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[CIM] By Plane - How to Setup a 2D Section for Drawing Creation


How to use By Plane for drawing linkage?



It is a tool to set the drawing creation information based on the section at any location in the modeling created in CIM.
By linking the 2D drawing information of the section created in
Application > Drawing View > By Plane
to CAD INFRA-DESIGN, it can be used in a 2D CAD environment. You can make drawings.


The following is the process of linking drawings with the pier model assigned to the Base Mode (assigned).

Figure. 1 Drawing View By Plane Setting Dialog


Figure. 2 By Plane Cutting Section Setting

Figure 1 above is a description of the options that appear when By Plan is executed to create a 2D section of the pier front view.


When Check Box On is checked, the program is executed by interlocking and updating
CAD INFRA-DESIGN, a 2D drawing creation program, every time a section is created using By Plan. 
Change the name of the Section. You can insert it by specifying any name you want. If there is no separate user name assignment, the section name and number are automatically assigned to create a section. . 
Define plane
Define the view plan to be cut. Plan(By Select) , 3 Points , and Rebar plane functions are mainly used as the plane definition method.
In the above example) A plane was defined using the 3 Points function. The plane defined at this time is the section (Real Cutting Section, pink plane) created as an actual drawing.
View depth
Defines the front and rear visible range relative to the View Plan.
The visible range is defined based on the View Plan (pink plane) in the example above), and depending on the visible range setting, you can select whether to mark the visible range in CAD INFRA-DESIGN when creating a drawing.
There is an option to turn on/off the section, reinforcing bar, tendon, etc. within the visible range.
Cutting area
Defines the visible range for the width and height of the view plan.
The visible range is defined based on the View Plan (pink plane) in the example above), and depending on the visible range setting, you can select whether to mark the visible range in CAD INFRA-DESIGN when creating a drawing. 
Option / Clipping Plane
Clipping Plane : Check Box On / The transparency graphic of the section to be created is activated, and the structure in the View Box is projected and shown.

The following is the description of the pier front view section linkage from CIM.

The process of creating a section from a structure assigned from a library or modeled or assigned in Base mode.
Enter the drawing linkage mode of Application > Drawing View > By Plane

① Change the name of the section to be created.
    (The default setting value is Section 1, and the serial number is added according to the additionally created section.)

② 3 Points is selected as the method to set the plane view of the section.
    The 3 Points setting method was used to set the cross section in the direction looking at the model based on the
    XY plane by drawing 3 points on the work plane.

3 Points Take the first point as the first setting method.
In the example of the description), the central part of the coping is selected to create the central section of the pier front view.

Draw a random point in the direction of the lower part of the pier.
This is the X direction setting for the XY plane configuration.

Left side of pier - Draw a random point in the direction perpendicular to the pier.
Y direction setting for XY plane configuration.

According to the 3 Points setting method, a plane to create a section was created, and the direction of looking at the section, that is, the Z axis, was set according to the plane creation axis.

This is the process of specifying the section range.
You can adjust the bounds of the View Box by dragging the mouse in the direction of the View Box arrow.
The pink plane is the section created in the actual drawing, and it is the range that the View Box area can be projected onto the section according to the Visible Range option.

This is the process of specifying the section range.
The view box area is extended toward the lower part of the pier.

This is the process of specifying the section range.
This is a view of extending the View Box area toward the rear of the pier.

This is the process of specifying the section range.
This is a view of extending the View Box area toward the front of the pier.

This is the view box setting for drawing creation.
This is the View Box that shows the actual cross section and visible range described above.

If you click the Close or Apply button to enter the By Plan section creation function, CAD INFRA-DESIGN is automatically executed according to the option settings.

A cross section was created in CAD INFRA-DESIGN.
After that, you can create a 2D drawing by referring to the drawing method.

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