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API Settings


You can connect MIDAS CIVIL NX to the API server by the API Settings function in MIDAS Civil NX. To get any API responses, you need to activate the API connection. The new feature called the Plug-in function also needs the API connection by the API Settings.



From the main menu, select [Apps] tab > [API] group > [API Settings]



API Settings.png

Fig. API Settings


Base URL: Base URL shows the server URL connected with MIDAS CIVIL NX.

Copy: Copy the Base URL.


MAPI-Key: MAPI-Key shows a personal access token that allows you to access to MIDAS CIVIL NX API.

Copy: Copy the MAPI-Key value.

Refresh: Regenerate the MAPI-Key value.


Status: Status shows the condition of the connection.

Disconnected: it means MIDAS CIVIL NX and API server are not connected.

Connected: it means MIDAS CIVIL NX and API server are connected.


Connect API on Startup: If this option is checked on, the API connection is requested when MIDAS CIVIL NX runs.


Connect: Request the API connection.

Disconnect: Request the API disconnection.

Close: Close the API Settings.



Refer to the document below for the user guide of MIDAS CIVIL NX API. 

Midas API workspace


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