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Boundary Tables Created Edited

Beam End Release Table


  • Enter or modify beam end release data in a spreadsheet format Table.



From the main menu, select [Boundary] tab > [Tables] group > [Boundary Tables] > [Beam End Release]

Shortcut key : [Ctrl]+[Shift]+D



(Refer to "Beam End Release")

Input or modify the following data using the Table Tool, referring to the usage guide of the Table Tool.

Boundary-tables-boundary tables-beam end release.png

Element : Beam element number


Flag-I : Release condition for the i-end (N1) of the beam element

Fx : Assign 1' to release or provide Partial Fixity to the element's local x-direction stiffness

Fy : Assign 1' to release or provide Partial Fixity to the element's local y-direction stiffness

Fz : Assign 1' to release or provide Partial Fixity to the element's local z-direction stiffness

Mx : Assign 1' to release or provide Partial Fixity to the torsional stiffness about the element's local x-axis

My : Assign 1' to release or provide Partial Fixity to the bending stiffness about the element's local y-axis

Mz : Assign 1' to release or provide Partial Fixity to the bending stiffness about the element's local z-axis

Mb : Assign 1' to release or provide Partial Fixity to the warping stiffness about the element's local x-axis

Fxi : Enter a Partial Fixity ratio if necessary for the axial stiffness at i-end

Fyi : Enter a Partial Fixity ratio if necessary for the shear stiffness in the element's local y-direction at i-end

Fzi : Enter a Partial Fixity ratio if necessary for the shear stiffness in the element's local z-direction at i-end

Mxi : Enter a Partial Fixity ratio if necessary for the torsional stiffness about the element's local x-axis at i-end

Myi : Enter a Partial Fixity ratio if necessary for the bending stiffness about the element's local y-axis at i-end

Mzi : Enter a Partial Fixity ratio if necessary for the bending stiffness about the element's local z-axis at i-end

Mbi : Enter a Partial Fixity ratio if necessary for the bending stiffness about the element's local x-axis at i-end


Flag-J : Release condition of the j-end (N2) of beam element

Fx : Assign 1' to release or provide Partial Fixity to the element's local x-direction stiffness

Fy : Assign 1' to release or provide Partial Fixity to the element's local y-direction stiffness

Fz : Assign 1' to release or provide Partial Fixity to the element's local z-direction stiffness

Mx : Assign 1' to release or provide Partial Fixity to the torsional stiffness about the element's local x-axis

My : Assign 1' to release or provide Partial Fixity to the torsional stiffness about the element's local x-axis

Mz : Assign 1' to release or provide Partial Fixity to the bending stiffness about the element's local z-axis

Mb : Assign 1' to release or provide Partial Fixity to the warping stiffness about the element's local x-axis

Fxj : Enter a Partial Fixity ratio if necessary for the axial stiffness at j-end

Fyj : Enter a Partial Fixity ratio if necessary for the shear stiffness in the element's local y-direction at j-end

Fzj : Enter a Partial Fixity ratio if necessary for the shear stiffness in the element's local z-direction at j-end

Mxj : Enter a Partial Fixity ratio if necessary for the torsional stiffness about the element's local x-axis at j-end

Myj : Enter a Partial Fixity ratio if necessary for the bending stiffness about the element's local y-axis at j-end

Mzj : Enter a Partial Fixity ratio if necessary for the bending stiffness about the element's local z-axis at j-end

Mbj : Enter a Partial Fixity ratio if necessary for the warping stiffness about the element's local x-axis at j-end

Group : Boundary Group in which the entered boundary conditions are included

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