Enter or modify Rigid End Offset Distance data or Joint Eccentricity data in GCS or the element's local coordinate system of beam elements in a spreadsheet format Table.
From the main menu, select [Boundary] tab > [Tables] group > [Boundary Tables] > [Beam End Offsets]
(Refer to "Beam End Offsets")
Refer to Usage of Table Tool and enter or modify the following data:
Element : Element number
Type : Define a reference coordinate system (Global, Element)
When Type = "Global",
RGDXi : Vector component of the end offset distance at N1 end in GCS X-direction
RGDYi : Vector component of the end offset distance at N1 end in GCS Y-direction
RGDZi : Vector component of the end offset distance at N1 end in GCS Z-direction
RGDXj : Vector component of the end offset distance at N2 end in GCS X-direction
RGDYj : Vector component of the end offset distance at N2 end in GCS Y-direction
RGDZj : Vector component of the end offset distance at N2 end in GCS Z-direction
When Type = "Element",
RGDXi : End offset distance in the element's local (+) x-direction at N1 end
RGDXj : End offset distance in the element's local (+) x-direction at N1 end
Group : Boundary Group in which the entered boundary conditions are included