Enter or modify the degree-of-freedom restraints of Slave Nodes to a Master Node in a spreadsheet format Table.
From the main menu, select [Boundary] tab > [Tables] group > [Boundary Tables] > [Rigid Link]
Shortcut key: [Ctrl]+[Shift]+R
(Refer to "Rigid Link")
Refer to Usage of Table Tool and enter or modify the following data:
M-Node : Master Node number
Type : Flag the slave nodes' degrees-of-freedom to be Linked to the master node
Dx : Displacement degree-of-freedom in GCS X-direction
Dy : Displacement degree-of-freedom in GCS Y-direction
Dz : Displacement degree-of-freedom in GCS Z-direction
Rx : Rotational degree-of-freedom about GCS X-axis
Ry : Rotational degree-of-freedom about GCS Y-axis
Rz : Rotational degree-of-freedom about GCS Z-axis
Slave Node List : Slave Node numbers
Group : Boundary Group in which the entered boundary conditions are included