- Both precast girder and splice girder bridges need to be considered and analyzed for the before-composite and after-composite state depending on the construction stages.
- For precast girders, the most common construction sequence is that the pre-fabricated girders are installed as per span. And then cast the deck slab and make it continuous.
- But splice girder construction sequence includes the use of temporary shoring, segment girder sequence, and post-tensioning.
- A simplified typical construction sequence for both precast girder type and splice girder type is automatically presented in the construction stage tab.
- Precast GirderとSplice GirderはConstrction Stageに見なされ、合成の前後について考慮されなければなりません。
- Precast Girderに対して、ほとんどの施工段階はプレハブガーダーが1径間ずつ設置されます。 そしてdeck slabをキャスティングして繰り返しインストールします。
- しかし、splice girderの施工段階は一時的な土膜、分離型ガーダー、そしてPost-tension方式を使用します。
- 二つのGirderタイプの簡素化された施工段階は、自動的にconstruction Stageタブに表示されます。
Please note that not more than 10 construction stages can be created in a conventional version of midas Civil. To create more than 10 construction stages, the license type must be "Advanced".
CIVILの一般バージョンでは、10個以上のconstruction Stageが生成されません。 10個以上のconstruction Stageを生成するためには、「Advanced」バージョンを使用する必要があります。
From the main menu, select [Structure] tab > [PSC Bridge] group > [Prestressed Composite Bridge]
メインメニューで [Structure]タブ > [PSC Bridge]グループ > [Prestressed Composite Bridge]
Fig. Prestressed Composite Bridge Wizard Construction Stage dialog box
Construction Stage
Check to activate and define the construction stages. When deselected, it is generated as a completed model.
Construction Stage
Construction stageを有効にして定義するために選択します。 選択解除時に完成系モデルとして生成されます。
Girder Splice (Splice Girder Type only)
Check to activate the girder segment in a different construction sequences. If checked off, Girder segment is constructed for the entire bridge at the same time.
他の施工段階でガーダー部分を有効にするには選択します。 もし選択を解除すると、ガーダー部分が同時に全橋梁に生成されます。
Girder Splice Construction...
First, select Girder Stage and input Duration that needs to be add or modify the different Girder Segment stage.
Second, select the girder segment list that needs to specify each different stage and move to the Selected Girder Segment List and Click “Add”.
Third, repeat the second step until the Adding or modification is completed. Finally, click [OK] to close.
After finishing the Girder Splice construction, Detailed Girder activating stage are included in Girder activated stages. (in example, CS1-1, CS1-2, CS1-n or CS2-1, CS2-2, Cs2-n (including substructure stage)
Girder Splice Construction...
まず、他のガーダー部分のステップを加えるか、修正するためにGirder stageを選択し、durationを入力します。
最後に、[OK] をクリックして閉じます。
(in example, CS1-1, CS1-2, CS1-nor CS2-1, CS2-2, Cs2-n (基礎工事段階を含む))
Girder Stage
Stage in which selected girder segment are activated in. This girder segment stage is ordered with a sub stage in girder activated stage. Also, the stage number must start from 1 and increase by 1 only.
選択された桁の部分が有効になる段階。 これらのガーダー部分ステップは、ガーダー活性化ステップで下位ステップを処理します。
Duration : Duration of the construction stage in days.
Duration : 建設段階の期間(日)
Girder Segment List : Girder segments that are available to be activated in the selected stage.
Girder Segment List : 選択された段階で活性化されることができるガーダー部分
Selected Girder Segment List : Girder segments to be activated in the selected stage.
Selected Girder Segment List : 選択された臨時支持位置で活性化されるガーダー部分
Temporary Support Position…
Based on the splice location specified in the Girder Information in the Section tab, the temporary supports conditions can be specified during the construction sequences.
Temporary Support Position…
Section tabのGirder Informationに異音位置に保存された異音位置によって、建設段階の間、臨時支持条件を指定することができます。
Splice Support Condition : All of Splice position that is specified in the girder information in Section Tab are showed in this dialog box
Splice Support Condition : Section TabのGirder Informationで指定できる異音位置全体はdialog boxで見ることができます。
Using Falsework
At the splice position(s) selected in this box is supposed to have temporary support conditions. Temporary DX, DZ support is activated at the end segment of the splice position in each girder segment activation stage. Regarding modeling, the My is released at the i- and j- end of the element located at the end of each girder segment.
Using Falsework
Post-tensioning Tendons (Splice Girder Type only)
Pre-tensioning tendons are not applicable in defining the post-tensioning tendons. The tendon that is defined in each splice segment is considered as a pre-tensioning tendon, it is automatically considered as the girder segment is activated in the construction stages.
Tendons defined along the entire bridge length are considered as the post-tensioning tendons. Only this type of tendon is shown in the "Tendon List".
Post-tensioning tendon may be applied either before and/or after the deck placement.
In the wizard, terminology for "1st Tendon" and "2nd Tendon" is defined as follows.
プレ圧縮テンドンは、後方圧縮テンドン定義には適用されません。 各接続区間ごとに定義されたテンドンは、事前圧縮テンドンとみなされ、建設段階で機構セグメントが活性化されると自動的に活性化されます。
橋梁の全長に沿って定義されたテンドンは、post-tensionテンドンと考えられています。 ただこのタイプのテンドンのみ「Tendon List」に表示されます。
Post-tension テンドンはデッキ配置の前後に適用できます。
Wizard において、"1st Tendon" と "2nd Tendon" に対する用語は次のように定義されます。
1st Tendon : Post-tensioning tendon which is conducted prior to the deck placement
2nd Tendon : Post-tensioning tendon which is conducted after the deck placement
1st Tendon : デッキ配置前のpost-tensionテンドン
2nd Tendon : デッキ配置後のpost-tensionテンドン
It is not necessary to assign both "1st and 2nd Tendon".
In the construction stage, the tendons defined as the 1st and 2nd Tendon are automatically activated.
「1st Tendon」と「2nd Tendon」の割り当ては必須ではありません。
Construction Stageでは、「1st Tendon」と「2nd Tendon」は自動的に有効になります。
Define Post Tendons...
Tendon List : Tendons that are specified in “all span” type tendon in tendon Assignment in Tendon Tab are shown in this dialog box.
1st Tendons : If tendons are stressed before deck is cast, move the tendon to 1st tendon dialog box.
2nd Tendons : If tendons are stressed after deck is cast, move the tendon to 2nd tendon dialog box.
Define Post Tendons...
Tendon List : 「すべての径間」タイプに指定されたテンドン
1st Tendons : デッキがキャストになる前に緊張したテンドン
2nd Tendons : デッキがキャストされた後に緊張したテンドン
Check to define the longitudinal and shear reinforcements for the deck. If the reinforcement is defined, the reinforcements are considered for calculating the section stiffness.
Section Manager : Refer to [Properties] tab > [Section Properties] group > [Section Manager] > [Stiffness]
デッキの軸方向鉄筋とせん断鉄筋をチェックします。 鉄筋が定義されると、鉄筋は断面強度の計算として考慮されます。
Section Manager : メインメニューで [Properties]タブ> [Section]グループ > [Section Manager] > Stiffness